Saturday 15 December 2012

Booze Cruise and start to Xmas season

What a crazy couple of days! I joined the ship a few days ago on a two day ‘booze cruise’ sailing from Sydney to Melbourne. I’ve never seen a cruise like it! Passengers are basically there simply to party, one passenger described it to me as a ‘cruise fix’. Cruising can be very addictive I suppose, is such a relaxed way of travelling. Everything is done for you right down to the finest detail, and its actually cheaper than travelling on your own due to all the stuff that’s included in your cruise price. So people do tend to come back again and again, we must be doing something right then.

Anyway, this short one was insane, the night club was going until 4.30 in the morning when usually due to the industries demographic of a more ‘senior’ clientele, the night club doesn’t usually even go until 1am most nights. Well, that and all the early mornings in port, people are slightly less inclined to party all night usually. However this one, right from the word go we were having problems with intoxicated passengers. For example during the safety demonstration we had 2 guys who wouldn’t take their life jackets off when they were asked, he was slurring all over me and smelt like a homeless person. He claimed he thought we were sinking. Anyway we dealt with it but that’s just one example of what happens on a ‘booze cruise'.

Ooh and speaking of the safety stuff, I’ve gone up in the world. I am now 2nd in charge of my muster stations, this basically means its my job to check off the crew who manage the passengers when they arrive to make sure they’re all accounted for. And then if for some reason the 1st in charge doesn’t make it to the station, I then take over. No pressure!

Oh yes, and I also have my own room now which was a nice suprise when I arrived, only because the office sent a guy and a girl as the juniors and obviously we cant share, I feel bad though, she has to share with a purser.

So yesterday we sailed out of Melbourne, Australia. Bound for New Zealand, and its the Christmas cruise! So far passengers seem very friendly, not particularly energetic but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. But we did have to turn back to Melbourne after we had sailed because a lady fell in her cabin and injured herself so we had to get her to a hospital in a tender boat, fairly dramatic but such is the cruise life!

I’ve been talking to a few people who have been here for a few months and they say that this is a really quiet ship, and I can see where they’re coming from. The crew bar has been empty 3 nights in a row now, maybe that’s because its been a hectic few days at work I don’t know, but this is very disappointing. I’m used to crew bars having at least more than 5 people in them in the evening, regardless of work stuff.  Oh well, there’s a big crew turnover in the new year so maybe it will liven up, the people here have been here a long time so I suppose they’re over it
Anyway those are my musings, at least the jet lag has gone :)

See ya next time!

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