Monday 10 December 2012

And so it begins....

So I'm leaving for Sydney, Australia tonight.

I've spent the best part of 2 weeks packing for this and I'm still worrying about whether I've forgotten anything. All the familiar anxieties are kicking in, for example..

Will my bags be over weight?
Will the flight get delayed?
Will we get stuck in traffic and miss check in?
Do I have enough cash on me for food?
Etc etc etc

The thing is, after all this panic I know that once I get to my seat on the plane it wont matter any more. So the panic really wasn't worth making myself sick over it all. Still, its a family trait. We like to travel but when we do we turn into quivering wrecks!

Mother's been equally crazy in the last few days, since I'm leaving so close to Christmas she took it upon herself to throw a big Christmas party for the whole family yesterday. So instead of enjoying our time together in my last few days we've been stressing out and at each others throats half the time.

Anyway, right at this moment I'm trying to finalise my packing without the dogs seeing the bags, last time I got the suitcases out they literally sat in front of the door and refused to let me leave.

So tonight I've got a 25 hour journey with 3.5 hours in Seoul, South Korea to break it up. Flying with Korean Air, supposed to be pretty good but we will see.  Here's a taster.

Then a day and a night in Sydney so I'm gearing myself up to hit Sydney big time. If I've only got a day there I am going to make the most of it!  Plan is to get the train into the city, I'm making it my mission to see the Sydney Opera House up close before I join the ship.

So wish me luck, I'll post again once I've made it to the hotel.

Hmm I wonder if I will be sharing a room this time....

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