Friday 14 February 2014

Stupid queen...

So I haven't blogged in 6 months.....this is appalling behaviour. And it's not even because I was busy, it's pure laziness. But no more of that! 

So I spent the last 6 months working in Alaska and then the Panama Canal. Boring as fuck. 
That's all I really have to say about this past contract, not exciting in the least on my part. (I realise the job still seems very exotic and exciting to outsiders, believe's not.)  I did very well at work but nothing interesting really happened. I made some friends, but no romance to speak of, no failings out, nothing. I was on the verge of doing something horrid just to have something to write about. By I thought I was better than that so here we are. 

So instead I thought I'd ramble a bit about recent life decisions that have come into play. 

I decided that ships were not really a viable career option when it comes to the long term so I now basically have to start getting more experience in performance and/or television. Since there's no point in rocking up to an agency, or writing to the BBC asking for a role when I have zero screen time! 

So I thought it was in idea to use my time on ships to work on my CV, pitch new ideas to the company and try and get a little more stage time at work, get a show reel together if I can and write and email casting directors etc while I'm away ready to audition when I get home. 

Now I'm Dubai at the moment and by some Devine stroke of luck I met a guy who is a big name is theatre production out here and happens to have a lot of connections in London. So I had a long conversation with him and he told me that I'm doing exactly the right thing, that my job is preparing me in precisely the right way to break into the biz. What I need to do is be truthful to directors and casting calls etc about my situation. Email them while I'm away and explain that I can't audition for anything until I get home but here are my details and let's chat. That way my name is already out there. My pictures and CV are circulating the theatres and the channels so when audition time comes its obvious that I have enthusiasm for it. Really nice guy that I met today, put me exactly where I want to be. Also, as I mentioned he has certain contacts that be is going to send in my direction to get things rolling, but it is still up to me to show them I can do it. 

I also have a drag persona, @MissGloriaWhole on twitter if your interested, not strictly speaking a career choice, just something else I'm good at. But you never know I suppose. 

And that brings me up to today, next contract is supposed to be heading Hawaii direction, but we will see if it actually happens. 

Bye bye 

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