Monday 5 November 2012

Relation....ships 2, two worlds!

Well hello again, I did promise to elaborate on something I touched on in my last post. I mentioned that for some reason a lot of people that choose to work on cruise ships kind of live in 2 worlds. That is, a life on land with a wife and children or at least a long term partner, and a life at sea with a ship board lover.

I really don't understand why these people think that's its ok, but I have a few theories.

They think they won't get caught. I guess I can see why they would think that, when your the other side of the world there's not an awful lot that's going to give you away to a spouse at home. Also, while your at sea you are meeting new people pretty much every day so temptation is going to be pretty high, so that combined with being such a long distance from your spouse for such a long time is a recipe for adultery. Still I do not believe that excuses it!

And I recon they do feel guilty about it, which is the reason they hide it. It's very easy to tell the people you meet on board that your single, they don't know you, they are unlikely to ever bump into you on land. But fate has a funny way of dolling out the justice, I've seen it time and time again:

The wife will come on to sail with husband (unfortunately it is usually men who do this, not all the time, but mostly) and girlfriend gets jealous and spills the beans.

Wife discovers girlfriend through pictures on social media.

Wife calls the guys cabin and ship girlfriend answers phone.

Basically, having an affair at sea is no different from doing it on land. It is still cheating and you are still going to get caught eventually. Loads of people think there is a different set of rules when you work at sea, well those people are stupid. End.

P.s just a reminder, I'm at home waiting for my next contract to begin at the moment to my posts are more about my thoughts at the moment, once I get on board it's going to get a whole lot more eventful!

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