Thursday 21 February 2013

Dunedin, New Zealand

So today I'm in Dunedin, this is probably my favourite city that we visit on this itinerary.

There is free wifi in the octagon, which is basically the city centre, plus it's a student town so the shopping is amazing, there are a ton of little coffee shops and cafe's sprinkled around serving the famous New Zealand coffee, which to be perfectly honest I do not know how I will survive without it once I get home.

I am incredibly hungover due to the antics in the crew bar last night, it was the traffic light party which I think I mentioned in a previous blog post. All kinds of craziness went down, I wore green to advertise my newly single status, nothing came of it but I was celebrating so, 5 double vodka, soda and limes later I was making very bad decisions. I overheard one of the casino guys speaking to his friend and he had an English accent, I basically ambushed him, I saw him on the bus a few minutes ago and had to hide my face in shame. Aah ship life!

So anyway, Dunedin. There is a cadburys factory here, I actually have never visited but it seems to be the main tourist attraction, I will visit one day. Right now my coffee is far more important. This a very ornate train station, it is beautiful, but seriously's a train station. Other than that the building are pretty new, there was a series of earthquakes so buildings tend to be fairly new since they tend to collapse from time to time when a big one hits. Like you've probably heard about Christchurch in 2011 it pretty much flattened the city.

So that's Dunedin, I'm going back to my coffee and my hangover now.

Ciow xx